I made my very first fondant cake today! I made the fondant (MMF) days before and left it in the fridge to 'mature' overnight. Today, i finally found the energy and time to bake, cream & then cover the cake with fondant. I'm pretty happy with the results. Except this design wasn't what i intended to have. I wanted to do a bow-tie, but quickly realised that with our humid weather, it is impossible to do the bow without putting gum tex which i have but just too lazy to use. Also, i realised that i didn't let the fondant relax a bit before i cover the cake with it cos i can still see a bit of tiny 'holes' and the fondant is not very smooth and still not very stretchy. Only after i did the 'hearts' then i found the fondant to be stretchy but also very sticky. I refused to use any crisco so just made do with some corn flour.
CAKE : vanilla cake - an amazingly simple recipe which i was really skeptical at first but it turned out to be great! (see recipe below – adapted from ‘500 cakes’)
ICING : brown sugar buttercream icing recipe from Martha Stewart
FONDANT: MMF (Marshmallow Fondant) recipe only from internet (not on any books though..books only teach the traditional one) and can be found at Peggy Weaver's site. Her instructions pretty comprehensive.
Marshmallow Fondant taste so much better than the usual fondant imo as it is sweet but not THAT sweet and it also taste like marshmallow - soft & gummy. I was too stingy with the color that the 'red' color in the end turn pink because i put too little! LOL! But i like pink anyway... Also i didn't knead the MMF long enough when i took it out from the fridge. It has to be kneaded till soft and pliable and no airbubbles which i didnt hence you can see some airbubbles on my white fondant and no air bubbles on the heart-shape fondant cos the heart shape ones i kneaded long enough.
CAKE RECEIPE: 170g unsalted butter, 140g sugar, 140g self raising flour, 1 tsp vanilla essense, 3 eggs. Cream butter & sugar till light and fluffy. Add one egg at time, add vanilla essense. Sift the flour into the egg mixture and fold it till all combined. Bake at 180C for 20-25mins.