Thursday, March 29, 2012

Autism Awareness Cookies

April is Autism Awareness Month.

Made these for my son's school as requested by his teacher, for some related occasion to be held on Saturday.

PECS Symbols Cookies

Some children with autism have trouble communicating and they are more visual and hence the use of these PECS symbols to help them to communicate their needs and wants.   I used to photocopy all these symbols in B&W.  It's more economical in B&W as opposed to color many years ago.. and they are supposed to be color coded as well.  After photocopy, i had to cut and laminate..and cut again...!  I think i spent all of my time making these symbols and trying to get my son to communicate his needs.  And another part of my time watching him 24/7 because he was also hyper-active - jumping and climbing everywhere!   Now it is so easy, can always buy the program to just print in color whatever symbols you need or even download free from the internet.  



Borrowed this mini puzzle cookies idea from SweetSugarBelle.  I also used her cookie recipe. Her cookie recipe is excellent for colored dough. The color stays vibrant and pretty even after baked.  This is the first time i am this successful in making colored dough. Normally, my cookies will turn slightly brown after baking and the color becomes dull too.   Not with SweetSugarBelle's recipe though.    The not so fun thing is, these are very time consuming even when using a cookie cutter.   These are really really mini..  And yes, i am very stingy...i only packaged 4 mini cookies into one bag instead of putting a handful together..because this way, i am able to bag 100 packs..LOL!