Friday, May 6, 2011

Mickey & Minnie Gingerbread Cookies

Based on Tokyo Disneyland 2010 merchandise design.  My daughter bought the earrings version while i bought the cookie cutters needless to say. :)

Just having some fun with left over design in particular. :)  Probably looking at it now..good for Mother's Day cookies.  LOL!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Party Logo Cookies

General Elections is around the corner.  I'm stressed (I don't know why either..or maybe it's anxiety?)...yes....this is my first time voting. This year is unusual, not the usual 'walk-over' and feels like everyone is experiencing a political awakening including me. I've been doing my 'homework' so much so that i even dreamt of the coming elections the night before..not sure if it was a nightmare or not but i dreamt that i was decorating cookies relating to this election.  I woke up, decided that i should be making some and spent last night after work decorating these cookies...

These cookies were piped free-hand. As these cookies were last minute impromtu decision to make them...and also because I didn't plan properly, I ran out of cookies before I could go on with other party logos..LOL!  :p   

I'll be eating these cookies while watching the results this weekend.  :)